Hi again Nicolas
I believe my husband has met you on this board, its nice to meet you myself - good to have you here!
I was interested to see that you linked your timidity to being young -I can understand that sentiment - I have just started back at college as a mature student in a class of 17 year olds and the majority of them seem to be the timid type. I think a lot of their timidity is due to a lack of self confidence, a quality that comes with maturity and experience, it is a big world out there and when you are young there are a lot of things to have to deal with and it can be very daunting. Also the influence of the JWs, I'm sure you would agree would only add to the list of things that a youth finds hard to cope with. Maybe these arent the reasons behind your own timidity but whatever your reasons are I am certain that a psychologist will be able to help you tremendously and help you gain that self confidence that you need.
As to your other point about your father - I know exactly how you are feeling - I have gone through those exact same circumstances myself. My father died in 1995 in very tragic circumstances, totally unexpectedly, and I grieved for him tremendously, the pain I felt at his loss was immeasurable. Then shortly afterwards I became a JW, my husband had been inactive for a number of years and we went back in together. The relief I felt upon learning about the resurrection hope was incredible. Then I left for a while, I had a real crisis of faith, again the grief for my father returned once more. I returned to the cong. after some months and again felt euphoric at the hope that I would see my father again. Then later on in my story I made the final break and disassociated. Again, the grief was overwhelming. I feel cheated now that I was ever misled and it makes me quite angry to think that some people only remain as JWs so that they may see dead loved ones again. Their motive is not right.
It is a hard thing to deal with and all I can say is that it does get easier, time is indeed a great healer. I just try to focus on the good times we had together, rememembering them with fondness and just letting the thought of whether I will meet up with him again - wherever- stay at the back of my mind.